Thursday, 17 March 2016

Creating Animated Comic Strips with Google Sites and Scratch Coding

Creating Dialogue between Characters:
To create a Comic Strip/Graphic Story you will need to know how to create a dialogue between sprites in Scratch. 
Here is an excellent CSFirst tutorial on how to get started. 

Creating Static Panels:
Once you have set up some characters with a background setting, take screenshots of the characters with different speech bubbles to tell your story. 

Create a Google Site for your comic: 
Insert a table sized for how many panels your comic will have.

Click on the "Settings" Gear Wheel and select "Edit Site Layout".
Customize the website width to about 80%. 

Now add your screenshot panels. 

Create an Animated panel with a Scratch Project:
Having the characters move adds excitement to your story.

To insert your animated panel, switch to HTML view, and insert the code in the empty box in your strip. Here is what the empty box will look like in HTML view:

Here is an example of a comic strip page:

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